‘Tis the season to bombard customers with brand reminder campaigns. Especially if they are customers with kids. Christmas season is the best time to try to sell frivolous products to consumers because they are willing to treat themselves and their families. Kids know that Santa or St Nicholas will bring them toys and are not afraid to tell their parents what they want so that they can relay the message. Disney is aware of this fact and has partnered with Billa during this holiday season.

In all Billa stores throughout Vienna, customers get free Disney stickers with each grocery purchase of ten Euros or more. This is very clever because while it looks like they are providing customers with free merchandise, the goal is to get the consumer to make a Disney product purchase. In reality, it gives the parents incentive to continue shopping at Billa in order to get their child as much of the stickers as possible. The stickers are actually intended to be pasted in a cookbook for kids, created by Disney, and conveniently located right by the check-out counters. Locating convenience goods by the check-out counter allows customers to make an impulse buy, while restricting the time that they have to change their minds. Given that a Disney puzzle is most likely not the reason why someone would walk into Billa, locating Disney products by the check-out counter is the ideal location. Besides the little cards and cookbook, Disney has a temporary pop-up display in the store featuring Disney stuffed animals, Disney puzzles, Disney movies and, of course, Disney cupcake wrappers for für kleine Meisterköche.
The brand campaign was created by Brand Loyalty Special Promotions B.V. in order to improve the brand loyalty for the Disney brand. It is meant to convince consumers that the reason the company makes their products is to make it easier for families to connect, whether through cooking or by watching one of the many Disney movies together. On Billa’s website, it is clear that Disney is trying to position itself as a family fun brand. It aims to be the first thing that comes to people’s minds when they think of doing something with the family.
Zeit, die man am liebsten mit Familie und Freunden verbringt. Zeit für Spiele, Geschenke und köstliches Weihnachtsessen. Im Koch- und Backspaß-Sammelalbum findet man viele tolle Rezepte mit den beliebten Disney-Figuren, damit dieses Weihnachten unvergesslich wird!
Translation: Time you spend most with family and friends. Time for games, gifts and delicious Christmas dinner. In the Cooking and Baking Fun collection you can find many great recipes with the popular Disney characters, so this Christmas is unforgettable!