Nutella Repurposed

A very short and simple post right before the Holiday season. I saw this Nutella jar in the supermarket as I was doing my weekly shopping and thought this very clever. Adding a suggestion for how to use the product works great for attracting new customers as well as retaining current customers. Given that Nutella is generally in the same section as the other sweet spreads such as jams and honey, Nutella can steal market away from those products. For example, it can be a substitute for that Sunday brunch with the kids: instead of pancakes with syrup, you opt for pancakes with Nutella. It can also just be another way you use the product. Maybe you typically spread it on bread like the picture shows but grew tired of eating it like that. Instead of turning to peanut butter or jams, this banner provides you with an alternative use for the product. By repurposing the product, Nutella has retained the customer.

By giving the consumers an image of the final product, the company’s making them look forward to that meal. It’s essentially what bakeries do in France. By letting the smell of fresh bread float out of the bakery, customers imagine the final product and get a craving for it. Additionally, giving customers an idea of what they can do with the product takes that task out of the hands of the consumers and makes using the product easier. It sounds very simple but how many times has your mom said, “It’s not making the dinner that’s difficult. It’s having to think of what to make”? People are very busy in this day and age and when they go grocery shopping, they need it to be as mechanical as possible so that they can think about something else in the meantime and not waste time.

What I love about this is that this is a very simple marketing scheme, whose only added cost is creating the new design. The marketer’s not adding anything because those labels have to be printed one way or another. The only question is what stencil they are going to put on them.

Has a product use suggestion ever gotten you to buy something? Comment below with your items!

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