Double Duty Ad: Xfinity X1 and Jurassic World

Xfinity X1 and Jurassic World have partnered up to promote each of their new products. This is a very interesting pair that benefits both partners in different ways.

With this ad, Xfinity is hoping to get viewer to transfer some of the excitement that they feel towards the movie over to the new Xfinity X1 product. This ad is very clever as it teaches the viewer how to use a feature of the product in an action filled way. The ticket buying feature in itself is not all that exciting. The success from this ad will come from the convenience that X1 customers get for an activity that they were planning on doing anyway: buying the tickets. A secondary effect of this ad is that it instructs current customers about a cool feature of their product. This has the potential of improving the satisfaction that current customers receive, which may prompt them to show off their product to their friends in order to gain respect and envy from their social group. Finally, there’s a comedic aspect to this ad around spoiler alert aversion that makes the ad enjoyable even if the viewer has no intent or desire to buy the product. This comedic aspect can go a long way when it comes to viewer annoyance as a result of an irrelevant ad.

On the other hand, the Jurassic World benefits are likely more straightforward. Because of the success of the movie franchise, Jurassic World has quite a bit of leverage on potential partners due to the likability by consumers. As a result, this trailer is likely running at little to no cost to Jurassic World. Xfinity clearly aims to piggyback on the positive emotions around Jurassic World, which gives the movie studio power over the partnership conditions.

One thing that I’m curious about when it comes to this TV ad is whether it runs only on TV channels powered by Xfinity or whether it runs on the specific channel regardless of which company is the TV provider. What do you think? If you have a TV provider other than Xfinity, have you seen this commercial?

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