Cheerios #BeHeartHealthy

About a year ago, Cheerios came out with an ad that was so simple yet so impactful on many levels. At first glance, the viewer sees a mother and daughter bonding over breakfast. The bond between parent and child shows Cheerios’ values. The company does what it does so families can have more moments like these. Whoever the viewer is, I’m certain that when they see this ad, they feel those warm fuzzies (for lack of a more technical word). When consumers have a positive feeling towards the company, even if they don’t buy this particular product, they would be more likely to try one of its products sometime in the future. But there’s so much more under the surface.

The timing

At the start of the new year, everyone is still committed to their New Year’s resolutions. Almost always, if not always, “being healthy” and “exercise more” are at the top of the list. This commercial knocks both out of the park with the #BeHeartHealthy and the cute dance routine. This makes it the best time to run this commercial as people will be more likely to try the product when it is helping one of their New Year’s resolutions.

The people

Another thing that I love about this commercial series is that it has a focus on families of color. Countless studies show that families of color tend to eat more junk food because they cannot afford to buy the healthy foods. By making the product affordable and featuring families of color, Cheerios is attempting to improve their diet (while also improving its bottom line, of course.)

The simplicity

Overall, I think that the simplicity of the commercial reflects the nature of the product. It’s cereal with no frills. The commercial leaves an uplifting feeling with the viewer which hopefully gets carried onto the brand as well. Cheerios did a great job applying the concept “a picture’s worth a thousand words”.

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